Pressure, Kick & Overpressure Databases
QC’d pressure and kick data and interpretations, resulting in 3159 interpreted overpressures from 1007 boreholes
QC’d pressure and kick data and interpretations, resulting in 1179 interpreted overpressures from 500 boreholes
QC’d pressure and kick data and interpretations, resulting in 133 interpreted overpressures from 74 boreholes
Leak-Off & Limit Test Databases
1892 Tests from 697 wells across Norway.
Note comparison vs NPD data in the Central Graben shows 39% more tests extracted for the same wells.
513 tests from 215 North Sea wells
108 tests from 64 wells
Overpressure Distribution Maps
Overpressure maps available in any of shown areas. In partnership with ExploCrowd, overpressure compartment mapping integrated with detailed structure also available in Halten Terrace.
Overpressure maps available in any of shown areas. In partnership with Calderdale Geoscience, overpressure compartment interpretations integrated with structure and facies also available in the Central Graben.
Overpressure maps available in any of shown areas.
Fully QC’d and standardised pressure data and kicks for >1500 wells (and ever expanding).
Overpressure, Fluid Gradient & Fluid Contact interpretations also available for all wells.
Purchase individually or in bulk, data only or interpretations only, or both.
Norway database created in association with ExploCrowd
Leak-Off and Limit Test data extracted for >850 wells (and ever expanding)
Test depth, type, formation, casing size, leak-off pressure (EMW and pressure) recorded, with all source data catalogued.
Perfect for understanding rock strength.
Norway database created in association with ExploCrowd
Overpressure distribution maps, and in some locations (red polygons) integration with structure/facies allowing interpretation of overpressure compartments, areas of active drainage, and areas of isolated reservoirs. Flexibility: choose bespoke areas, and even integrate your own interpretations
Norwegian maps created in association with ExploCrowd
Barents Sea Well Database
In addition to the pressure, overpressure and LOT databases available in the Barents Sea, with help from ExploCrowd all 166 released E&A wells have been extensively worked up and re-interpreted for pressure analysis from DISKOS and NPD data into an interpretation-ready database, which continues to grow and be updated as new wells are released.
As availability allows this includes the following data types. All data types are personally worked up and derived from available data, having analysed all released reports and information, representing significant improvement in accuracy in many instances vs. for example, reported values on NPD factpages.
Reservoir Pressure data
Leak-Off and Limit Test data
Mudweight / ECD
Lost Circulation
Markers (including show depths and fluid contacts from NPD)
Digitised Lithology Log (from complog if released or mudlog)
Drilling Gases (Connection, Pumps Off, Trip, Swab Gas etc)
Cavings & Tight Hole
Temperatures (including corrected data)
Time-depth / checkshot
Driller Pore Pressure Interpretations
Drilling logs (WOB, ROP, Torque, DXc)
The database, associated products and useful tools are available to purchase in various different forms as below. All products can be purchased in bulk, or by bespoke area/well list:
For each well, data are tabulated in Excel, ready to be loaded into your chosen software. Images from source data are included.
Any desired logs can also be included as Excel outputs.
For users of Ikon Science’s RokDoc software, all derived data are loaded and ready to use, and DISKOS standard logs are also loaded.
Excel database and plot of all reservoir pressure and kick data, with data reliability, NPD formation, group and age, mobility, fluid type and interpreted fluid gradients, structural area.
Excel database and plot of all recorded temperatures, temperature type and structural area.
Layered pdf maps of interpreted overpressures as desired at any given level. Can be bespoke on request, e.g. combined with client structure, ExploCrowd interpreted structure, bespoke areas etc.
As available in other areas, an Excel database of all interpreted overpressure values, fluid gradients, reliability & interpreted/Operator contacts, all by NPD age. Includes interpreted local hydrostatic gradients.
As available in other areas, an Excel database of all extracted LOT and LT data, including test/shoe depth, formation, EMW and calculated pressure (bar), test type, shoe size, and where available test type verified vs mud volumes pumped/returned.
Accompanying slide(s) per well show source data identified/used.